Thursday, October 22, 2009

Materia - Invention, Innovation, Inspiration

"Where do you look for inspiration?"  It's a question every artist hears at least once.   Most of us find it in our everyday lives, our environments, our friends.   But we each have somewhere else we go, usually a couple somewhere else's, to add that extra spice.   Somewhere that breaks us out of the box that is our usual, safe parameters.   One of my personal favorites is Materia.

It is a fabulous Danish website and business that is all about new materials and technologies.    It celebrates the creative turned functional.   The innovative turned useful.  The unuseable turned applicable.   But always with an eye to beauty too.
While it is aimed at inspiring architects and designers, I think anyone would enjoy it.

Some of the recent items that caught my eye include these fabulous, crazy felts by  Beatrice Waanders' SuperNature collectie:

Luminoso, the wood and fiber optics blend from  Litwork GmbH:

And the insanely fabulous twisted metalwork of AlgoRythm from  MILGO/BUFKIN:

Joining the site is free... and then you can sign up for their newsletter and wait to be amazed!   The worst part is the fantasies I build of my ideal house using these amazing products... the house I couldn't afford in a million years!   But that's what dreams are based on, and seeing the wonderful things people make keeps me excited to see what will come next.

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